Covid and Cohabitation with Covid in the Modern World

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Tamar Devidze
George Shoshitashvili


The damage caused to the country’s economy and human well-being by the crisis caused by the Covid pandemic is still unpredictable and growing. Measures taken by States to save lives and prevent the spread of pandemics; These include closing borders, banning traffic between cities, declaring a state of emergency, and restricting economic activity for social reasons. It has dealt a significant blow to the economic development of the countries of the world.

Studies and reports prepared by international organizations assess the impact of the pandemic on the global economy inconsistently. The impact of a pandemic on the world economy will be different and will depend on how long it takes to defeat it. Emerging economies should also expect significant financial losses. So only time will tell when the earth will return to pre-pandemic life. However, in this return, obviously, all the listed factors factors play a huge role.

ეკონომიკური ზრდა, მშპ, ინფლაცია, ეკონომიკა
Published: Oct 22, 2021

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